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Sherif Eltonsy
Co-Principal Investigator

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Sherif Eltonsy

Dr. Eltonsy (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba. Dr. Eltonsy is a Pharmacoepidemiologist with an academic research focus on drug safety and effectiveness and real-world evidence. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and Master’s and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Montreal. Throughout his academic progress, Sherif accumulated numerous honours including the Rising-Star Award in two Canadian provinces. Dr. Eltonsy is a Research Scientist at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM), also a member of the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies. Dr. Eltonsy main area of research is drug safety evaluation with a special focus on mother-infant health. The Dr. Eltonsy lab bridges evidence generation and evidence synthesis methods to provide clinically relevant data that improves prescribing standards for pregnant women and facilitate evidence-based decision-making by health professionals and policy makers.